WAEC Data for 2018 Eyo Emmannuel 5 years ago https://ymonitor.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/YMonitor-WAEC-Results.mp4?_=1 Above is the percentage of states that had students with at least 5 credits including Mathematics and English Language during the 2018 WAEC examinations. Abia state emerged the highest with 82.28% and Taraba state emerged the lowest with 4%. Share this: YMonitor Issue 020: Wey My Money?Date25 September 2019In relation toData SatireKano allocates N2.6 billion to education in two monthsDate10 October 2016In relation toFeaturedTracking education in the North in the face of the Boko Haram conflictDate16 November 2016In relation toFeatured