
YMonitor FOI Ambassador engages Taraba State University Vice-Chancellor, Students on FOI Act

In an Advocacy visit to Taraba State University on March 25th, our Taraba state Ambassador, Happiness Dah Robert, engaged the University Vice-Chancellor and students on the Freedom of Information Act.

During the visit, Happiness discussed the need to empower the masses through the Freedom of Information Act which allows anybody anywhere to ask questions about government decisions, budgets, allocations, procurements etc. She equally exposed the University students to how they can use the FOI Act to access public records from government agencies.

The Vice-Chancellor, in his remarks, appreciated this laudable move by The Future Project, and he encouraged the organisation to continue with such campaign and engagement to educate the masses on their rights further to know about government activities and ensure transparency and accountability.

Some copies of the FOIA guide was donated to the University Administrative staff, Library and students.

Beyond the Taraba State University, Happiness has been to other institutions and agencies within the state. She has also engaged several stakeholders on the Freedom of Information Act and its applicability in ensuring a transparent and accountable government.

Other places she has been to include the Taraba state Polytechnic, Ministry of Information, state national library and several media organisations.

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