
YMonitor Issue 083: Banditocurrency

The ban on cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria by the CBN was presumably a problem for the “weak” only, the slow ones who were not financially wise enough to look beyond the cryptocurrency and look inwards for a much more rewarding investment in banditocurrency.

In cryptocurrency, you are at the mercy of the ever-changing waves of the market, which can decide to be a merciful deity or a wrathful demon to your capital—an uncertain investment— which again sometimes takes ages to yield a meaningful return on investment.

Meanwhile, in banditocurrency, all you need do is make one brave attempt as the proud Nigerian you are, undaunted by danger, the cries of school children or the pleas of unarmed men and women, to abduct a bunch of average Nigerians daring enough to live their peaceful easy-going lives for you to make not a million, not ten million, but a whopping sum in the region of 500 million and above in one fell swoop!

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