
YMonitor Project tracker: Controversy over the status of Magodo Shangisha drainage canal, Kosofe.

by Usman Alabi

Project Construction of drainage canal

Status: Cannot be ascertained

It is difficult to ascertain the status of this project, as regards whether it is ongoing, completed or abandoned. As a matter of fact, residents of the area that spoke to YMonitor believe the project had been abandoned.

YMonitor was at the site of the project, and our team discovered that there is still much to be done, hence the project cannot be said to be completed. But at the upper section of the drainage that connects main road, work is still ongoing to fill the deep hole with red sand. But the other stretch of the canal has not been completed, the project cannot exactly be said to be half done, because locals in the area claimed that the canal extends to mile 12, hence the portion completed cannot be said to be half of that stretch.

YMonitor spoke with the residents of the area, and most of them agreed that the project had been stopped, even though it left their area worse that it was before the commencement of the work. The road that led up to the main road is like a hill, because of the construction, one would have thought, that the contractor would grade or level the road because it is a passage way.


The covering of the canal was designed to make it possible for vehicles to use, but the road is undone, hence making that vehicular movement impossible. The supplying drain ducts of the canal have not been covered. The other stretch of the canal was left undone. We spoke with the site engineer of the project, and he told us that, the point where they finished the work is where their contract ends, and that the only thing they did to the other section that was left undone is just to dredge it. According to him, the government would have to contract that section out as a new project. Hence the only thing they were left to do was just to fill the deep hole and do some petty work at the upper section of the canal which connects the main road, and they are done.

Let us have your take on this project, perhaps there is a project like this in your locality that is difficult to ascertain whether it has been completed, still ongoing or abandoned, send us an email on contact@ymonitor.org on such project or forward pictures or videos of such project to us. Please do leave your comments behind as regards the above project, we want to hear from you.


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