
Despite appeals and reports, the access road to Lagos University Teaching Hospital remains in a deplorable state

By Omoleye Omoruyi

You will never be able convert a sceptic who already doubts the seriousness of Nigeria’s health institutions to deliver good and affordable health care if you made him pass through LUTH gate. It is in a complete and disgraceful state of disrepair. Both the authorities of the school and the government who are caretakers have maintained conspiratorial silence, unashamed about the deterioration and ignoring the road as if it does nothing to the way the teaching hospital is perceived.

YMonitor reported the sordid situation of this road last year October under the headline, The sorry state of the access road to one of Nigeria’s biggest teaching hospital. Yet, a year after the situation persist.

Recently workers were seen working on the road, but whatever is been done is nothing but another sham. Workers were only seen de-silting the drainage, while the road situation remain the same. Hence, with the crooked work ongoing on the road to the teaching hospital, doubts remain a system around here.

Workers could be seen de-silting the drainage network of the access road to Lagos University Teaching Hospital, this at best is a palliative measure, it does not address the real issue, which is the fact that the road is already in a bad shape.

The road need to be completely reconstructed to fill the potholes that retains flood, thus, it is not enough to de-silt the drainage. The school need not wait for the government to do this, they can as well sort the help of their Alumni if they do not have enough funds to finance this.

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