
YMonitor Issue 80: Wailers

Nigerians ask too much, and we are always insatiable. After a series of “gigantic” actions and interventions from the poor gap-toothed man, we still see his “gigantic” efforts as insufficient. He was preparing to visit the forest to combat those bandits and terrorists hand-to-hand with his white babariga—our disputable champion.

O’ye wailers, you & I still don’t appreciate his “voluntary” efforts, lol. How else should he hear your call if not by taking actions now, our very own “action-man”?

O’ye wailers, you & I with our “shy” president. After getting into power, the man cannot be seen nor heard of, doesn’t like talking too much.

The call for empathy and engagement from the Nigerians’ presidency seems to be too much to ask. Nigerians keep “begging” for actions from people who have spoon-fed us stories without actions. Who came to beg them for their votes but you can’t touch, see, hear them now. What a tragedy.

The roof of the house, Nigeria, keeps burning while the presidency with his big “sound-canceller” feels comfortable. Nigerians would not kill this old man with their high demands for “basic” good governance. Another Lol?



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