
YMonitor Issue 81: Universal Basic Enemies

“Education in Nigeria cannot be compared to any other country.” (source: Na my brother talk am).

“The world should be emulating Nigeria’s Education Sector.” (source: Do am If E Easy).

All of the projects have been completed, her teachers live outside the country, and learning facilities is unequivocal. All these contributed to the country’s education’s progress, just that I would have to pinch you & get you up from your dream.

A quote once read: “the ideal state of a thing is before it comes into existence”. Such is the perfection which is Nigeria’s education system, an education system so great the rest of the world look up to.

The world could only yearn to be so perfect by imitating the Nigerian education system. They would only have to avoid a few things which may prove to hinder along the way. These are the ‘Universal Basic Enemies’.


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