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Yobe Residents Rank LG Authorities Low in Delivering Public Goods, Services

A new report has shown that residents of Yobe, a Northeastern State in Nigeria, want their local administration to improve their performance in delivering their essential functions.

The report titled “Yobe State Local Government Performance Report” shows that Yobe residents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the performance of their LGs.

The research for the report, released on Tuesday, 18th October 2022, was carried out by YMonitor – an accountability project under The Future Project (TFP), supported by the National Endowment for Democracy.

According to a statement issued by YMonitor Team Lead Omidiji Olamilekan, apart from measuring the satisfaction level of the citizens with their Local Government, the report also gauges the awareness of Local Government projects by the residents.

The research also includes crucial recommendations for the authorities to revitalise the Local Government systems in Nigeria. 

The statement indicates the findings of the reports expose that Local Government chairpersons in Yobe State are not highly rated. Findings from the report also discovered a high level of political consciousness and participation, as well as awareness of LG activities among the residents of Yobe State.

The Team Lead of YMonitor, Omidiji Olamilekan, said the report “helps Local Government authorities to understand where they are, the opportunities and the gap in governance delivery in their council”.

Using a Net Promoter Score test, the survey reported a negative recommendation rating for local government chairpersons in the State, which implies that residents of Yobe are unlikely to recommend their chairpersons for higher positions.

The survey recommended a need for institutional and human capacity building for local government councils of Yobe State to adapt modern tools of local governance that are being used worldwide.

Download the full report here –

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